North Carolina Advocates for Justice Summer Convention 2017
- Sea Trail Resort
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up
The Court of Appeals needs and deserves more human resources to do its important work in a timely fashion, not less. Important changes in the judicial system demand careful review – Bill Powers, President NCAJ
Reduction of Court of Appeals judges should only occur after a request by the Chief Justice and the Administrative Office of the Courts based on solid empirical data – Bill Powers
Well. . .How Did I Get Here?
by Bill Powers
Taken from June 20, 2016 President’s Gala speech, Wilmington, N.C.
The JusticeCON Scholarship experience is unparalleled – Bill Powers, President Elect
The Endowment – Ward Black Law JusticeCON 2016 SCHOLARSHIP provides the chance to attend Summer Convention, which includes:
North Carolina Advocates for Justice NCAJ Summer Convention 2015 takes place June 13, 2015 SATURDAY until June 16, 2015 MONDAY in Sunset Beach North Carolina.
Convention facilities are located at: